This page contains the philosophical/quasiphilosophical rants of whoever wishes to contribute and is not alarmingly stupid.
You may ask, why does the page of a cracker have a Philosophy Section? The answer is this: the point of cracking is the knowledge and the challenge. While Philosophy itself offers little in the way of hard knowledge, it certainly contains a challenge, and if pursued properly it will widen your perception and improve your ability to adapt, absorb, understand, and utilize new concepts and ideas. Take this for example:
"The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy has, in what we laughingly call the past, had a great deal to say on the subject of parallel universes...Upon reading this, a great many people would give it the laugh it was accorded and say "that's silly," and forget about it. The thing is, this is pretty much absolutely right. According to many accepted scientific theories, the way things appear is purely a result of how they are observed. Thanks to Descartes, the very existence of what is observed can be called into question. Briefly discard your anthropocentrism and allow that there are other methods of perception beyond your own, add relativity and Descartes, give it a humorous twist, and this is the result you finish with.
"The first thing to realise about parallel universes, the Guide says, is that they are not parallel.
"It is also important to realise that they are not, strictly speaking, universes either, but it is easiest if you try and realise that a little later, after you've realised that everything you realised up to that moment is not true.
"The reason they are not universes is that any given universe is not actually a thing as such, but is just a way of looking at what is technically known as the WSOGMM, or Whole Sort of General Mish Mash. The Whole Sort of General Mish Mash doesn't actually exist either, but is just the sum total of all the different ways there would be of looking at it if it did.
"The reason they are not parallel is the same reason that the sea is not parallel. It doesn't mean anything. You can slice the Whole Sort of General Mish Mash any way you like and you will generally come up with something that someone will call home."From Mostly Harmless by Douglas Adams
How certain is this? The logic binding the ideas is sound. Disprove relativity, and you'll be challenged to find something better. Descartes is famous for deducing that the only thing you can really know is that you exist (I think, therefore I am) and making it adequately airtight that empty space cannot escape it. Anthropocentrism is absolute bullshit. The idea that the human way is the only right way is small minded in a fashion that I would have hoped only roundworms were capable of.
If you still think philosophy is useless, then you are useless and should go here.
Here are the essays that I have collected/written so far. They are all longer than the one above, but they should be interesting (as soon as I upload them :P ).
Lost Souls - Everything you believe is just there to sell you.
The Screaming Monkey - Bomber Monkey's review of the Southpark movie, and a more in depth review of society (guess which did better :).
Ligitimate Pirates - The Jolly Roger flies highest on the flagpole of corporate America.